Friday, March 30, 2007
new look
You've probably noticed the new look & feel of the site...a little cleaner, less homemade, and slightly more generic in the Blogger sort of way. Good? Bad? Indifferent? Inquiring minds want to know. Feel free to leave your comments below, yo.
Monday, March 26, 2007
gender neutral
Unfortunately for Sadie, her mommy's favorite color happens to be pale powder blue---the one reserved, traditionally, for babies of the opposite gender. It really throws people for a loop when you dress a newborn in a blue sweater and pink pants. They just don't know what to say. There does, however, seem to be a trend: people just assume she's a boy. Just the other day, when Sadie was wearing this adorable blue hoodie but bundled in a pink blanket and hat, a guy in a restaurant greeted her with "hey, little dude". Whatever. Far be it from me to instill gender stereotypes at so young an age. Besides, doesn't she look great in this color?
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
kiss me i'm irish
One thing we can't say enough about is Sadie's social skills. We've taken her to countless restaurants, shops, and (smoke-free) bars, all without incident. Generally she sleeps through the whole affair, but on occasion when she does wake, she happily sits in her carseat and stares around, never complaining. We hope that by introducing her at a young age, she'll be one of those charming children who eats her oysters, makes great conversation, and doesn't embarrass her parents in public. So far so good. Here are some pictures of her on St. Patrick's Day, which she spent being toted around on Daddy's chest in the Baby Bjorn, drinking pumped milk while Mommy drank green beer.
Monday, March 12, 2007
happy birthday sadie
Yesterday you turned one month old, and we celebrated with cupcakes, your first stroller ride, and the lovely bottle of champagne that Brian & Sibila gave us when you were born. We can't believe how quickly time flies, and you already seem so much older and smarter and stronger to us. You didn't wake up to eat your cupcake, but that's okay... maybe next month. We're looking forward to many, many more happy birthdays with you!
Thursday, March 08, 2007
first time for everything
In the first of what are to be many minor childhood ailments, I'm sure, Sadie seems to have picked up an icky case of sticky eye somewhere. Among other firsts she experienced this week (Mexican food, the local BBQ joint, Deschutes Brewery), she now can proudly say she's been issued her first prescription. She's also figured out the exact right moment to close her eyes just as Mommy and Daddy try to administer the drops. Good job, little girl!
Monday, March 05, 2007
ready set grow
Sadie's been eating like a champ and at only 3 weeks, has gained 15% of her birth weight. She's clocking in at over 9 pounds and has already started outgrowing some of those adorable newborn outfits that I couldn't wait to dress her in. Luckily for us, she requires a total wardrobe change approximately three times a day, so there's no problem making sure she gets plenty of wear out of them.
I think that Reid and I are starting to adjust to her "schedule", if you can call it that. A relatively good sleeper for a newborn, Sadie's evening goes something like this:
10-11 pm Eat
11-2 am Sleep
2-3 am Eat
3-7 am Sleep
7-8 am Eat
8-10 am Sleep
...and so on and so forth. You get the idea. Anyway, we consider ourselves fairly lucky that she sleeps in 4 hour blocks through the night. It could be worse!
Somewhere in there is also some fun time known as "active alert" and "quiet alert" states. These are very short bursts in which she likes to look at black and white toys, make adorable faces, and push up on her tummy. "Tummy time" doesn't last long before it degrades into a total crying meltdown, but we keep trying anyway---she's definitely getting stronger!
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