Tuesday, April 24, 2007

aaaahhhhhhhhh mexico

A lot has happened in a year. Who can believe that just 12 months ago, we were exchanging vows on the beach in Tulum? It's something we look back on so fondly---not just the wedding day, but our whole time in Mexico---and feel incredibly lucky to have experienced such a beautiful place surrounded by friends and family. We've said thank you, but that doesn't fully express how we feel. Know that a year later, we're still grateful, amazed by, and most of all missing each and every one of you.
Happy Anniversary, Reid!

Monday, April 23, 2007

time flies

God, has it really been 8 days since my last post? Is Sadie really TEN weeks old? Do I really have only 2 weeks left of my maternity leave? Despite how cliche it always sounds, it's true what parents say about time passing at warp speed: they'll be walking/talking/graduating high school before you know it. How does it happen? I guess it's because when you can stare at a face like this for hours on end, everything else just passes you by.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

just the girls

Sadie and I have been kickin it bachelorette style this weekend while Reid attends our friend JR's bachelor party in---where else?---Vegas. Before we became parents (actually, before we bought a house, it seems), Reid and I were the consummate Las Vegas fans. We went 2 or 3 times a year, usually staying in a different casino or going with a different group of friends, but always playing lots of craps and spending plenty of time poolside with a frozen drink in hand. It's "our" place as a couple, and we pretty much consider ourselves the experts on it...or at least USED to, before a slew of new casinos, clubs, and restaurants opened. We were definitely overdue for a refresher course, so we debated the logistics of Sadie and I coming along on this trip. Needless to say, it didn't make a lot of sense since, much like cell phones, babies are not allowed at the craps table. Vegas will have to wait until she's a little older and knows what a "hard eight" is. In the meantime, here's a self-portrait of us girls.
I have to admit that I was a little nervous about solo parenting for four days, but Sadie's been a breeze. Last night she slept for 8 hours straight. She's been napping on schedule and smiling up a storm when she's awake. She didn't even get mad when I spilled curry on her at the Thai restaurant the other night. What a good girl!


I think this pretty much says it all... :)

Thursday, April 12, 2007

2-month checkup

We just returned from Sadie's two-month well baby visit and found out all kinds of interesting things about our (big) little girl. First of all, she's completely healthy and tracking perfectly on all of her milestones and growth charts. At 22.75 inches, she's in the 75% percentile for height and---surprise surprise---in the 90% percentile for weight, at a whopping 12.4 pounds. We have a wonderful pediatrician who Sadie seems to love (she's immediately soothed by the sound of his voice), and who takes his time explaining everything to us in detail. Unfortunately, the topic of discussion today was vaccines, of which Sadie received three---DPT, HepB, and Hib. Daddy held her hands while she screamed and I sobbed in the background, unable to watch. Poor little girl. She's recovering nicely so far, though, and doesn't seem fussy or feverish. We're armed with baby Tylenol drops just in case.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

happy birthday sadie

Sweet girl, we can't believe you are two months old already! It's been an amazing eight weeks, and you've accomplished so much in such a short time. You can hold up your head on your own, and push up from your tummy. You can grasp and shake a rattle, and find your mouth (and binky) with your hands. You make all sorts of adorable cooing noises, and hold conversations with yourself when lying in your crib. You can follow our faces with your eyes. You're able to locate us by the sounds of our voices, turning your head in the direction they're coming from. You have outgrown your newborn clothes, are stretching your 3-month ones, and are starting to fit the 6-month outfits we'd been saving for summer. You've gone up an entire diaper size. Your eyes are getting bluer and your hair is turning a lighter shade of brown, but it's as long and as thick on the day you were born. Your features have lost that newborn baby look, and we can begin to envision what you'll really look like...at 2, 12, maybe even 20. And of course, let's not forget your smile, which is the most beautiful thing on the planet. You give and return it freely, and nothing could be sweeter. Happy birthday, darling Sadie!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

sadie's first easter

As a new parent, you have an irrevocable license to dress your child in costume come holiday time---at least until they're old enough to protest. Since Sadie couldn't dye eggs or eat chocolate, we figured she'd appreciate being dressed as a bunny instead. I'm pretty sure it was the cutest damn thing I've ever seen. Props to Nicky for the hat!

It was a warm spring day, and the bunny outfit didn't last long, though...so after brunch, we took advantage of the weather with a stroller ride and lunch on a patio by the river. We finally got around to dyeing eggs at 9 pm. Better late than never!

marketing genius

Reid invented this "Happy Easter" Corona ad. Ideally, it would be set on a beach instead of our dining room table. The lighting isn't very good, but that egg is the perfect shade of lime green. Genius, no?

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

the elusive smile

I feel like a bad mom for not posting the news of Sadie's first real smile, which she graced us with well over a week ago. I thought, "oh, I'll wait until I get a picture of it" so you all could witness the perfect heart-goo-ifying grin for yourselves, but that's proved a difficult task. I did, however, manage to capture this action shot of a particularly abundant spit-up. Enjoy!

Sunday, April 01, 2007

sleep glorious sleep

After a rough couple of days with no naps and frequent night waking, Sadie's sleep schedule is finally back on track. She's getting closer and closer to sleeping "through the night", which at this point in her young life is really only 7 hours at a time. Hey, we'll take it.
The past 2 nights in a row, she slept for an almost 6-hour stretch---1 to 6:30 am. It's been absolutely, positively blissful. Never thought I'd say THAT. (As you can see, it's still not enough for Maru, who's trying his hardest to escape and get some much needed shuteye.)