I once went to the store to buy wipes, only to find they were sold out of the brand we use. They're not Huggies or Pampers or any of the usual suspects, all of which are easier to come by but Sadie seems to be allergic to. So now when I go, I buy every single package that's stocked on the shelves...I mean, it's not like we're not gonna use them eventually, right? Here's the haul from my latest grocery trip. You'd think I was on an episode of Supermarket Sweep from the way I start frantically tossing them in the cart, body-blocking any other shoppers who try to get in my way. Far be it from me to spoil Sadie, but she's definitely got more wipes than any other kid on the block.
You know things are bad when you dream about wipes. Last night I dreamt that Costco was selling these 3 packs/99 cents. I need help.
I assume the answer is yes, but have you tried pampers 'sensitive?'
We did...and Huggies sensitive too. They seem to make her diaper rash worse, though. Thanks for the suggestion!
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