It was pretty slim pickins at ye olde pumpkin patch the weekend before Halloween, but we had a great time anyway. There were lots of firsts for Sadie and Avery: petting zoo, hayrides, caramel apples, wheelbarrow trips, and of course, pumpkins!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
happy halloween
It was pretty slim pickins at ye olde pumpkin patch the weekend before Halloween, but we had a great time anyway. There were lots of firsts for Sadie and Avery: petting zoo, hayrides, caramel apples, wheelbarrow trips, and of course, pumpkins!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
my child is an honor student at baby jail elementary
What strikes me as funniest about these videos is my unwavering determination to capture the event on film. God help us when she makes the soccer team.
Take One:
Take Two:
Take Three:
Anyway, you get the idea. I'll try to work on my OCD tendencies before we get around to stacking rings...
Take One:
Take Two:
Take Three:
Anyway, you get the idea. I'll try to work on my OCD tendencies before we get around to stacking rings...
Friday, October 26, 2007
vegas, baby
If you're wondering why I've been so quiet on the blogging front lately, the answer is simple: I was too busy shirking all responsibility, abandoning bottle feedings and nap schedules, drinking pina coladas in the middle of the afternoon, and essentially doing what I wanted when I wanted in the one place to do it best: Las Vegas.
Don't get me wrong---Reid and I were pretty apprehensive about leaving Sadie for 4 days. Even though we trust Gramma Lo-Lo unfalteringly, the days leading up to our vacation were filled with worry and dread. So we made a 5-page list of tips, tricks, schedules, and emergency phone numbers, and discovered that our anxiety evaporated the minute we boarded the plane. (A margarita or two didn't hurt, either.) was AMAZING. Blissful. Relaxing. Spontaneous. Romantic. Decadent. Impulsive. Rejuvenating. Liberating. Exhausting. Need I say more? We missed our baby girl like crazy, but 10 picture mails a day got us through.
So, if you're those parents (like us), who call each other 'mommy' and 'daddy' long after the little one has gone to bed, maybe you need a weekend in Vegas too---or just a night away at the closest Hampton Inn. It's worth every dollar lost at the craps table, believe me.
(insert picture that I did not take even though I brought the camera)
Don't get me wrong---Reid and I were pretty apprehensive about leaving Sadie for 4 days. Even though we trust Gramma Lo-Lo unfalteringly, the days leading up to our vacation were filled with worry and dread. So we made a 5-page list of tips, tricks, schedules, and emergency phone numbers, and discovered that our anxiety evaporated the minute we boarded the plane. (A margarita or two didn't hurt, either.) was AMAZING. Blissful. Relaxing. Spontaneous. Romantic. Decadent. Impulsive. Rejuvenating. Liberating. Exhausting. Need I say more? We missed our baby girl like crazy, but 10 picture mails a day got us through.
So, if you're those parents (like us), who call each other 'mommy' and 'daddy' long after the little one has gone to bed, maybe you need a weekend in Vegas too---or just a night away at the closest Hampton Inn. It's worth every dollar lost at the craps table, believe me.
Hey, what can I say? I didn't carry a purse---let alone a diaper bag---for a change. Viva las vegas!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
elusive tooth
Thursday, October 11, 2007
happy birthday sadie
Just last night your daddy and I were sitting around talking about how old you seem these days. You're less a baby and more a toddler (even though any actual 'toddling' has yet to happen), and it's clear that you're quite opinionated, expressive, and deliberate in your actions.
For example: you absolutely hate when we stack things. Blocks, books, cups, whatever---a stack is your nemesis. You must knock it down immediately. So naturally, we stack anything and everything, every chance we get, both of us at the same time, until you are on stack-whacking overload, darting back and forth and bringing every last stack to its demise. Sadie-5999, Stacks-0.
But then there are tags, glorious tags! Oh how you love them! Is that a tag on that toy? On your blanket? On mommy's jacket? Well, clearly it's the best part of the whole package. I made the faux pas of cutting the tags off everything when you were just an infant...will you ever forgive me? Perhaps everyone can make up for it by sending you boxloads of tags cut from old t-shirts for Christmas.
Your other favorite thing: screeching AT THE TOP OF YOUR LUNGS! We have mixed feelings about this one. It's amazing how something can be so cute and so maddening at the same time. In case you're wondering, as a general rule: screeching when we're playing = good. Screeching when we're driving = not so good. Either way, we like that you know how to express your feelings.
Maybe all of the screeching is a result of that pesky little tooth poking through. Here's what it looked like 6 days ago---just a glimmer of white barely visible beneath your gums (and your patented Chucky face) :
Now there's no mistaking it---especially when you decide to bite down on someone's finger, or nose, or (OWW!) cheek---yet you seem determined to not let us take a picture of it. I spent over an hour today trying to get one and still came up empty! So how about this, instead?
Despite the forlorn look in your eyes (icantbelieveyouguysaredoingthistome), baby jail's not as bad as it sounds. The three of us have lots of fun playing in there together, and let's just say it keeps you...well, focused. Not a sharp corner, remote control, or breakable item in sight. Finally, a place where we can ALL relax. That is, until you learn how to climb out of it.
Happy 8-month birthday, little girl. If our universe were a jelly donut, you'd be the sweet and delicious center of it.
For example: you absolutely hate when we stack things. Blocks, books, cups, whatever---a stack is your nemesis. You must knock it down immediately. So naturally, we stack anything and everything, every chance we get, both of us at the same time, until you are on stack-whacking overload, darting back and forth and bringing every last stack to its demise. Sadie-5999, Stacks-0.
But then there are tags, glorious tags! Oh how you love them! Is that a tag on that toy? On your blanket? On mommy's jacket? Well, clearly it's the best part of the whole package. I made the faux pas of cutting the tags off everything when you were just an infant...will you ever forgive me? Perhaps everyone can make up for it by sending you boxloads of tags cut from old t-shirts for Christmas.
Your other favorite thing: screeching AT THE TOP OF YOUR LUNGS! We have mixed feelings about this one. It's amazing how something can be so cute and so maddening at the same time. In case you're wondering, as a general rule: screeching when we're playing = good. Screeching when we're driving = not so good. Either way, we like that you know how to express your feelings.
Maybe all of the screeching is a result of that pesky little tooth poking through. Here's what it looked like 6 days ago---just a glimmer of white barely visible beneath your gums (and your patented Chucky face) :
Happy 8-month birthday, little girl. If our universe were a jelly donut, you'd be the sweet and delicious center of it.
Friday, October 05, 2007
fall update
I'd heard that we might wake up to 4-8 inches of snow this morning, but it didn't happen. It did, however, remind me of a metaphor: it snows a little and you're like, "hey, I should really go out and shovel the driveway." But it's just a little and it seems like a hassle so you wait until there's a little more. And then it snows more, but now it's so damn cold out that you're too busy staying warm, making hot chocolate, and stoking the fire to go outside and shovel. And it just keeps piling up and up until the next thing you know, you can't get your car out of the garage.
That's how this blog has been lately...the longer I put it off, the more there is to write, the busier I get at work, the less free time I have, etc. It's simpler to update it every day, believe it or not, than to write something worthy of a two-week hiatus. Not that there's a lack of things to write about. Had I waited any longer, I'd be telling you Sadie is walking and talking and feeding herself with a fork and knife.
So let's go back, waaaaaaaaaay back, to the middle of September. Did I mention at any point we were taking Sadie on her first camping trip? We went with the Lantzys and the Browns and all of their baby girls to an easy-access car camping spot on the Metolius River. Less than an hour from home, in case anyone got too fussy. Sadie crawled around in the dirt, petted the doggies, and was mesmerized by the campfire. Later that night, she slept like a champ wedged between me and Reid in the back of the bus. It was a lot of work and planning for one night away from home (all told, less than 24 hours), but we left confident that we could, indeed, camp with a baby. On the drive home, not only did we look forward to next summer, we wished we were road tripping to next campground. Sure, the days of ultralight backpacking tents and Thermarests are over, but a whole new adventure awaits us!

Enough about camping. The rest of September flew by thanks to a business trip, a visit from our friend Dave, the worst cold (actually the only cold) I've had in three years, and a crawling-standing-climbing Sadie that we can't turn our backs on for even a second. Overwhelmed by the constant chasing, we finally succumbed to purchasing what we like to affectionately refer to as "baby jail". That's right people, we bought a playpen. But hey---it's expandable! And moveable! And can be set up in any configuration your heart desires! And it remains to be seen how well it works or if Sadie will even tolerate it, because it hasn't been delivered yet. Even if it buys us twenty minutes in the kitchen without fear of her eating a knob off the stereo receiver, it will be worth it.
Incredibly, I have no pictures to prove that Sadie is crawling, standing up, or really doing anything threateningly mobile in the least. In fact, the last pictures downloaded off our camera are from three weeks ago. Bad mommy, bad daddy. How about a swinging video instead? We call that scrunched-up look she gets when she's really excited her "Chucky face":
Ok, on to the big news: baby girl is not so baby anymore. She has a TOOTH! Her lower, middle right one, to be exact. It's so tiny, so cute, and so sharp. We had expected fever and fussing of the monumental variety, but the tooth made its appearance with relatively little fanfare. A sleepless night, a runny nose, and presto---there it was.
By no small miracle yet purely by coincidence, the timing of said tooth could not have been more perfect, as I (unintentionally) weaned Sadie last week. How's that, you ask? Well, I was so flu-bitten and cough-ridden that I didn't want to get too close to her, so Reid did round-the-clock bottle duty while I recovered on the couch for four days. It must have been the Nyquil fog, because when I finally snapped out of it, I realized that lo and behold, I hadn't nursed her the whole time. I felt a teensy bit guilty, having wanted to make it a full nine months. But fate has its way with such things, I guess. I went to the grocery store the next day and stocked up on all the dairy products I'd been missing out on since February.
What else? Did I mention she's eating Cheerios?
Nah, I'll save something for the next update...
That's how this blog has been lately...the longer I put it off, the more there is to write, the busier I get at work, the less free time I have, etc. It's simpler to update it every day, believe it or not, than to write something worthy of a two-week hiatus. Not that there's a lack of things to write about. Had I waited any longer, I'd be telling you Sadie is walking and talking and feeding herself with a fork and knife.
So let's go back, waaaaaaaaaay back, to the middle of September. Did I mention at any point we were taking Sadie on her first camping trip? We went with the Lantzys and the Browns and all of their baby girls to an easy-access car camping spot on the Metolius River. Less than an hour from home, in case anyone got too fussy. Sadie crawled around in the dirt, petted the doggies, and was mesmerized by the campfire. Later that night, she slept like a champ wedged between me and Reid in the back of the bus. It was a lot of work and planning for one night away from home (all told, less than 24 hours), but we left confident that we could, indeed, camp with a baby. On the drive home, not only did we look forward to next summer, we wished we were road tripping to next campground. Sure, the days of ultralight backpacking tents and Thermarests are over, but a whole new adventure awaits us!
Incredibly, I have no pictures to prove that Sadie is crawling, standing up, or really doing anything threateningly mobile in the least. In fact, the last pictures downloaded off our camera are from three weeks ago. Bad mommy, bad daddy. How about a swinging video instead? We call that scrunched-up look she gets when she's really excited her "Chucky face":
Ok, on to the big news: baby girl is not so baby anymore. She has a TOOTH! Her lower, middle right one, to be exact. It's so tiny, so cute, and so sharp. We had expected fever and fussing of the monumental variety, but the tooth made its appearance with relatively little fanfare. A sleepless night, a runny nose, and presto---there it was.
By no small miracle yet purely by coincidence, the timing of said tooth could not have been more perfect, as I (unintentionally) weaned Sadie last week. How's that, you ask? Well, I was so flu-bitten and cough-ridden that I didn't want to get too close to her, so Reid did round-the-clock bottle duty while I recovered on the couch for four days. It must have been the Nyquil fog, because when I finally snapped out of it, I realized that lo and behold, I hadn't nursed her the whole time. I felt a teensy bit guilty, having wanted to make it a full nine months. But fate has its way with such things, I guess. I went to the grocery store the next day and stocked up on all the dairy products I'd been missing out on since February.
What else? Did I mention she's eating Cheerios?
Nah, I'll save something for the next update...
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