For example: you absolutely hate when we stack things. Blocks, books, cups, whatever---a stack is your nemesis. You must knock it down immediately. So naturally, we stack anything and everything, every chance we get, both of us at the same time, until you are on stack-whacking overload, darting back and forth and bringing every last stack to its demise. Sadie-5999, Stacks-0.
But then there are tags, glorious tags! Oh how you love them! Is that a tag on that toy? On your blanket? On mommy's jacket? Well, clearly it's the best part of the whole package. I made the faux pas of cutting the tags off everything when you were just an infant...will you ever forgive me? Perhaps everyone can make up for it by sending you boxloads of tags cut from old t-shirts for Christmas.
Your other favorite thing: screeching AT THE TOP OF YOUR LUNGS! We have mixed feelings about this one. It's amazing how something can be so cute and so maddening at the same time. In case you're wondering, as a general rule: screeching when we're playing = good. Screeching when we're driving = not so good. Either way, we like that you know how to express your feelings.
Maybe all of the screeching is a result of that pesky little tooth poking through. Here's what it looked like 6 days ago---just a glimmer of white barely visible beneath your gums (and your patented Chucky face) :
Happy 8-month birthday, little girl. If our universe were a jelly donut, you'd be the sweet and delicious center of it.
Cute analogy about the jelly donut!!!
Sadie is getting so big, wow! I like the "Chuckie face," hahaha. I think it's a Halloween thing she must be going thru. We had an ultrasound yesterday & you could see the entire spine & bones so I started calling the baby "Skeletor." My mom doesn't like it.
Oh and I am so all about the playpen!
Ah, screeching it from her dad, she did. His favorite place was perched in the cart at the grocery store, full blast! Baby Reid, baby Sadie.... Eight months and hair, glorious hair! SweetSadieSimonton, that pony tail is coming right up! Gramma 8)
I know that you carried this prize for 9 months, Maria, but I can't get passed the fact that she looks sooo much like her dad. What a doll! Screeching was one of Tim's favorite accomplishments and I am sure that "Gramma 8" will remember...!!! Can't wait to see you both in Vegas. Bring pics, please!!!
I love 1st teeth! Time to start bushing. Enjoy every bit of that toothpaste, my friend.
Oh my. She's getting sooooo big, next time I see her I'm gonna set up stacks of jelly donuts all around her. ps where'd you get the baby toupee from?
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