Ahhh, but Christmas---your enjoyment of it adds a whole new meaning and dimension to this time of year. On Saturday we endured the freezing cold and light snow to go to the tree nursery, so you could pick out your first Christmas tree. Each time daddy held one up, shook off the branches, and spun it around for you to examine, you went wild with excitement. We selected the one that garnered your most rave reviews: kicking, squirming, and laughing all at once. And wouldn't you know? It's just perfect in our living room! You've even learned what the words "christmastree" mean, turning your head in its direction any time we ask, "where's the christmastree, Sadie?"
From a mobility standpoint, you're getting around faster than ever---and not always by crawling. You've discovered that standing and pushing furniture around is just as effective as walking, and probably a lot less scary. So you navigate chairs, barstools, your little push wagon, whatever...from room to room, making lovely screeching noises on the hardwood floors as you go. But seeing you walk on your tiptoes, your tiny bottom swinging from side to side, is too cute to resist, so we don't stop you. Keep truckin', little one!
Favorite Food: cheese (any kind. the sharper the better!)
Favorite Book: That's Not My Dragon
Favorite Thing To Do: pull out whatever barrette or rubber band is currently holding your hair in place
In the meantime, enjoy your 10-month birthday, sweet girl!
Awww, happy 10-month birthday to Sadie! Cute pictures! I was wondering how you kept all those little clips and ribbons in her hair ;) Very cool that she recognizes the Christmas tree already -- Happy 1st Christmas to her too!
Cute hairband in pic 2 and still an Eagles fan no matter what they do!!..Thats our Sadie!!!
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