Day to day, it's difficult to meter how much you've grown. The outfit we brought you home from the hospital in looks tiny, but given enough effort (and cooperation on your behalf) it seems possible to squeeze you into that pink-and-white size 0 sweater. I mean, on a bad laundry day we can even make those snug 9-month clothes work. So how big can you really be?
I suppose this picture says it all. We thought you had so much hair when you were born---and you did---but now you have three times as much. Inch for inch, your hair is longer than mine. Is that normal for an 11 month old? But then, "normal" is not a word we would use to describe you, your personality, your abilities. "Extraordinary" or "incredible" seem far more befitting. Now, I know it's not uncommon for parents to brag about, or even exaggerate, the accomplishments of their offspring. So take this with a grain of salt if you like, but you're truly the most extraordinary, incredible, and unusual (in the best possible sense) baby we've been lucky enough to know.
You are strong-willed, and like to do what you want to do when you want to do it.
You are physically strong too, and can push objects more than half your body weight around the room.
You are a daredevil, and will climb on furniture without regard for height or the softness of your landing.
You are expressive, and communicate wildly with your hands, true to your Italian heritage.
You are outgoing, and approach other babies and adults without reservations or fear.
You are animated and silly, and easily make people laugh with your antics.
You are quick to learn new things, and when shown once will act as if you've been doing it your whole (short) life.
You are independent, and would feed/dress/walk/read yourself if you could.
You are sensitive sometimes, and like to cuddle and suck your thumb when the moment is right, you've bumped your head, or your feelings have been hurt. We always cherish these 5-second hugs, because a few seconds later you're back at it, ready to try again.
You are beautiful, and have the most amazing blue eyes, chubby cheeks, and long dark hair.
You are sweet beyond belief, so much so that long after you've gone to bed, your Daddy & I consider waking you up just because we miss you.
Above all, you are our baby girl, and always will be, even after we are no longer celebrating monthly birthdays or counting the number of steps you take on your own.
Happy Eleven-Month Birthday, Sadie Rain. We can't believe how lucky we are.
1 comment:
I still can't believe Sadie's b-day is right around my due date!!!! She is almost there!!!!
And it sounds like she inherited quite a bit from her mommy:
"You are quick to learn new things, and when shown once will act as if you've been doing it your whole (short) life."
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