Wednesday, February 20, 2008

feliz cumpleanos

What better way to celebrate your birthday than with enchiladas and margaritas?

Why, with sombreros and ice cream, of course!


Anonymous said...

It was a wonderful celebration! I'm already looking forward to #2!!
Gramma 8)

K*Funk said...

Are you in Mexico then??
Happy 1st Birthday Sadie!!! Thanks for all your hand-me-down clothes which I just love!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe I missed #1 Little Sadie. Anyway, hope you had a very special Birthday and know that your Colorado Aunt thinks of you all of the time. You are a beautiful addition to anyone's family and we feel so fortunate to have you in our's....To think I still haven't met you. We'll change that!
I love you,