Since the day Sadie was born, people have been asking us when we were going to get her hair cut. I'm not sure why they thought it was so necessary, or why we were so opposed to it. The only thing we did know is that we would wait until she was at least a year old, and figure it out from there.
I guess we decided it was sufficiently scraggly enough to warrant a trim, because yesterday when Reid went to the salon, Sadie got her turn in the chair as well:

She seemed to find the whole thing rather amusing, and didn't fuss or cry a bit. One could even go so far as to say she held "still" for Lori, the family stylist.

What you don't see in these pictures is me, bribing her with a constant stream of dried fruit snacks:

Hey, whatever it takes!
All told, she didn't get more than half-an-inch off all around, but it's definitely looking much healthier. What next? A pedicure?
Please add the photo of the after-blow-dry!!!!!! And yes, a pedicure for those cute little summer sandals that are surely in the near future!
Gramma 8)
Sorry, no blow-dry! We let it dry au naturel...
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