Monday, November 09, 2009
the princess diaries
Truly, that should be the new name of this blog. Because apparently one of the great ironies in life is that: the bigger the tomboy you were, the greater the obsession your daughter will have with all things princess. Try as we might to encourage otherwise, not a day goes by that Sadie doesn't insist on wearing a dress to school and 'farkly' (yes, we're still having trouble with 'sp') shoes. Mind you, sparkly shoes were not a standard wardrobe item until after Halloween. So you can probably see where this is going---'frog', 'dragon', 'ladybug', and even 'butterfly' were not acceptable costume choices this year. I did at least manage to discourage against Cinderella and make the case for the less glamorous, more down-to-earth, forest-dwelling Snow White...and I have to admit, she *does* make a rather lovely one:

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Too funny, this morning on the way to day care she said heard a song on the radio that, apparently, sounds like a toy cell phone that Sophie has. This was followed promptly with, "I don't have a phone. I need my own phone. I need my own phone daddy...a pink phone with princesses. I need a pink phone with princesses daddy". And to think, before she was born I had this plan to shy away from girlie stuff a bit. Think again daddy-o!
And WOW, my heart...sweetest little Snow White ever. Sigh.
Well, the redeeming grace is that she loves football and actually understands a thing or two about the game. The downside? Her favorite team is the Cowboys AND last night she asked for a pink cowboy hat with princesses on it!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOVE the princess pictures!!!!!!!!
Sadie makes a beautiful princess! xoxoxo from Madison xoxoxo
Btw I'm sure our princess phase is right around the corner... I think it's inevitable. "Pink" was the first color she said.. aughhhh, the madness!!!
I'll send you our Hween pix too :)
And don't forgot that laptops now come in pink. I'm sure that request is not to far down the road.
EVERYTIME Emma goes shopping (grocery, Target, Home Depot, wherever) she dons her pearls and tiara....The two of them are going to be quite the team. Both are little princesses in their own way. Can't wait to se them together again.
Can't wait to see you guys!!
The way she is holding up her skirts...I flashed on a wedding dress!!! Eeek!
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