Tuesday, May 01, 2007

wig out

This picture was taken right after the waitress at The Original Pancake House said, in all seriousness,"What a cute baby! Is she wearing a wig?"
That's right Sadie, laugh at the crazy lady!
Honestly, it's amazing how much attention Sadie gets because of her hair. We can't go anywhere in public without at least ten people commenting on it: "Wow, she sure has a lot of hair!" or, "Did you have that much hair when you were a baby?" or, "All of my babies were so bald, I wish they'd had hair!" I really need to think of some sort of snappy comeback. Maybe I WILL start telling people it's a wig.


Anonymous said...

A wig and artificial dimples, too.
What a WONDERFUL smile!

Anonymous said...

H'mmm maybe she thought Sadie was wearing a wig from "Baby Toupee"


Reid said...

This cracks me up. People say the darndest things to you when you have a kid. I've always joked about how people think I cut Sawyer's hair into a Mohawk. (It's grown that way naturally since he was 3 months.) But what took me aback was when my aunt actually thought the same thing. Come ON people!

Reid said...

Ps - to the Baby Toupee person - thanks for the link! It made my day.