The reaction was less than enthusiastic. About two sips in, crying and spitting and general acts of refusal ensued. I was honestly surprised: I mean, this kid is so ravenous all the time, I assumed she'd eat anything! So we had to see what all of the fuss was about. We tasted it.
I declared it to be completely nasty, with the distinctive flavor of wet cardboard, punctuated by overtones of rancid tofu. Reid's take was more similar to Sadie's---gagging, spitting, and the like. Luckily he had the benefit of beer to wash it down, which our poor little girl did not.
Perhaps the problem is that it's soy formula, hence the rancid tofu taste. Perhaps this brand in particular cares more about organic ingredients than flavor. Or perhaps other babies could care less, and Sadie just has an extremely refined palate. But since she can't tolerate cow's milk proteins (as evidenced by the fact I've eliminated all dairy from my diet), soy is what we're stuck with. So if anyone out there knows of a soy formula that's good enough to put in your morning coffee, let me know. Until then, looks like it's milk-on-tap for her highness Sadie Rain!
Do they make wine or beer out of tofu? Not that I know of (true, I haven't checked on line.) Even I haven't fermented any Silk...yet.
So, consider sticking with honest grains that will ultimately produce something tasty, like rice: wine. Maybe she wanted tunafish?! Grandma 8)
I think the soy formulas have about the foulest smell ever. I never ventured a taste. I do think you can mix rice cereal with just water - we always did. We've gone the similac organic route - but only three weeks left!!
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