We have this agreement with Sadie: we place you on blanket, you stay in one place, sweetly kicking your legs and playing with toys. It's simple, really. Or at least it used to be.
Yesterday, everything was going according to plan as Reid did yard work and I messed around in the kitchen making a flank steak marinade. I'd look over every few minutes to see Sadie on her back in the center of her quilt, picking up rattles and books and putting whatever she could get her hands on into her mouth. Until the next time I look up, and she's not ON her quilt anymore. She's not even facing the same direction! Best we can calculate, she would have had to complete 2 half- rolls (back to front, front to back) at about a 45 degree angle to get into the position we found her in. And, all in less than three minutes, since that's about how long I had looked away.
Of course she won't do any such rolling while we're watching, no matter how many tempting and tasty toys we dangle just out of her reach. Clearly, she's working on her ninja skills.
You have a future ninja on your hands!!
I could see her wearing
this - it's even in "baby doll" size!
hey you three--i used to think that little sadie looked exactly like her dad but this picture is a perfect example of the gene pool as it should be. she is such a combo of the two of you. the very best of both peeps. ADORABLE. remember, you get what you wish for. pretty soon she will be rolling all over the place and will be hard to find..
love to all,
She is such a cutie. And, yes, life as you've known it is over.
ps - I can't believe she's almost 4 months old already. Time sure does fly - especially when it's other people's children.
Yeah, isn't it strange? In some ways, Sadie seems suspended in time, like she'll always be a little baby to us. But the reality of it is that in less than 2 months, we'll be thinking about solid food. Crazy!
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