Friday, July 27, 2007

rock star

Aside from a few in-utero shows like Alkaline Trio and AFI, Sadie's never really been to a concert. At least not the late-night kind you actually have to buy a ticket for---until Wednesday, that is, when we went to see The Fray. She rocked it like a hurricane, from the patio pre-party to the free beer sponsor tent. She even stayed awake for the encore!

First time in a high chair, and enough to make us buy our own sanitary cover!

Reid, Sadie and Julie chillin during the opening band, Meese.

Daddy's Little Rock Star.

Crashed out in between sets.

Baby slingin'

In the VIP tent.

No after-party for this baby!

Monday, July 23, 2007

new things

Life is pretty darn exciting when you're five and a half months old. Every day, chances are you get to do something you've never done before. Such as...

...go to a baseball game! sweet potatoes!
...or get an Exersaucer!

And all that in one weekend, wow!

The unexpected bonus of doing these things with Sadie is that we get to feel like we're experiencing them for the first time, too. A fresh perspective on life is just what everyone needs, right?

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

breastfeeding for guinness

I know, I know! You're thinking the same thing I was when the email showed up in my inbox, right?
Let's see: how does this work? Whoever can breastfeed the longest wins a case of Guinness? Show up at your local brewery and breastfeed for a free pint? Get an ounce of beer for every ounce of milk you pump? Who cares, sign me up!

Unfortunately, we're both wrong. Lactation enthusiasts across the globe/country/state of Oregon (or maybe just Bend) are trying to set some kind of new world record for the most women simultaneously nursing. Will I be participating, you ask? Ahem, no. But if you want to, here's the details:

Join thousands of breastfeeding women worldwide to set a new
Synchronized Breastfeeding Guinness World Record!

When: Wednesday, August 8, 2007, 9:30-10:30am (babies need to nurse at 10am to count towards the record)

Where: First United Methodist Church, 680 NW Bond St., Bend

Food: Continental Breakfast Follows! See you there.

Check local listings for a nurse-athon near you.
(Oh boy, I can't WAIT to hear the comments on this one!)

Monday, July 16, 2007

2 cool 4 school

Uh oh. It appears we may have a diva on our hands.

Friday, July 13, 2007

friday the 13th

I'm a believer in all things superstitious: ghosts, astrology, jinxes, Ouija boards, and yes---Friday the 13th. Maybe it's because one particular Friday the 13th, on my way to a Dead show in NYC, my (black) cat ran away, I knocked out my front tooth, and I had my money stolen by a dirtbag. Funny how things happen that way sometimes...

Today, I read the following excerpt from Wikipedia:

"It's been estimated that [U.S] $800 or $900 million is lost in business on this day because people will not fly or do business they would normally do."

So I guess I'm not the only one.
Do you have a Friday the 13th story of your own? If so, post it here!

big girl bed

It worked! And not only did it work, it's a complete success---Sadie has slept better in her own room the past two nights than she has in the past month. Last night: midnight to 7:30. Ahhhhh....sweet, sweet sleep.
We hated to admit she was growing, I guess, because for some reason we let her stay in her bassinet way too long. I'd get up in the middle of the night to find her squished up cross-wise against the bumper, feet in the air. In her crib, she's got room to roll---and roll she does. She somehow managed a 180 last night and woke up facing the opposite direction. Now, just wait until we get the AC installed next week...then we'll ALL be sleeping better!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

not bad for a cell phone

Actually, the poor resolution could almost remind one of an oil painting...

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

happy birthday sadie

Five months! And wow, has it ever been a whirlwind. You went from barely rolling over last month to suddenly eating cereal, sitting up unassisted, and scooting backwards on your hands and knees. You love spending time on your tummy (imagine THAT!) and can push up so high that it's obvious you'll be crawling in no time. You've abandoned your binky for your thumb, and have also discovered your feet---which you like to grab onto while talking loudly at the top of your lungs. Your favorite thing in the world is your set of colorful numbered stacking cups, which you chew, throw, knock over, and wave around in some kind of silent plastic symphony. And there were so many firsts this month! You got your very own inflatable kiddie pool, which you swam in with your friend Sophie, and then the two of you even took your newfound swimming skills to the lake! You celebrated the Fourth of July, complete with fireworks and and a cannon. You learned to sleep quite soundly in your crib, and no longer need the constant motion of the swing to get a good nap. And little do you know it, but you're about to experience another 'first' this week: spending the night in your own room. You finally outgrew your bassinet and get a better rest in your roomy crib, so it seems like it's time. Mommy & Daddy will miss you, but they're also looking forward to a good night's sleep. All this, and I can only imagine the amazing feats I'll be writing about next month!
Happy five-month birthday little girl, we love you!

Friday, July 06, 2007

booty call

What could be better on a 102 degree summer day than a giant boot full of beer?

The rules are:
Toe up...

and no setting it down...

or you have to buy...
...which Greg did.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

first fourth

We had a lovely fourth, with the requisite grilled meats, beer, and lawn games. Sadie rocked her patriotic gear like a champ, and although I lobbied for a Canadian flag, seeing her in all her tri-color cuteness almost made me glad to be American.
From the vantage point of the above photo, this is what it would feel like if you were a water glass, beer bottle, or anything semi-transparent and containing liquid. For whatever reason, Sadie is obsessed with drinking vessels of all kinds. God forbid you try to sip something while holding her---you''ll probably get your front teeth knocked out:

(Yes, I know all of the photos are blurry, but it's not from the Rocky Mountain spring water. I'm messing around with settings on our camera, quite unsuccessfully....)

Sunday, July 01, 2007

july, july's a great song by The Decemberists. Do you know it?

I can't believe the month of July is already here. I have the sinking feeling that summer is slipping through my grasp at light speed, and I haven't been swimming or biking or kayaking once yet. We've bbq-ed plenty of times and enjoyed many a refreshing-patio-cocktail, so that's good. But for god's sake, we're just getting around to our spring evidenced by the car-full of plants we spent all week putting in the ground:

Naturally they're all perennials, because I can't be bothered to plant anything that isn't going to come back next year. I'm lazy like that. But hey, that's what summer is for---now, where's that margarita?