I'm a believer in all things superstitious: ghosts, astrology, jinxes, Ouija boards, and yes---Friday the 13th. Maybe it's because one particular Friday the 13th, on my way to a Dead show in NYC, my (black) cat ran away, I knocked out my front tooth, and I had my money stolen by a dirtbag. Funny how things happen that way sometimes...
Today, I read the following excerpt from Wikipedia:
"It's been estimated that [U.S] $800 or $900 million is lost in business on this day because people will not fly or do business they would normally do."
So I guess I'm not the only one.
Do you have a Friday the 13th story of your own? If so, post it here!
OK, here's as anti-13th expectation...Friday the 13th is always a good day for me. That is to say that something out-of-the-ordinary good happens and today was no exception. I got an out-of-the-blue call on a 2 month old listing, the buyers said "We want it" and I'm writing the contract! Positive expectation is a powerful thing...as is negative. I do have a couple of first-person ghost stories, however. BRRRrrr-r-r-r-r!
I remember that particular run of bad luck! It wasn't long after that dental mishap that Ric had one of his own as the 3 of us swung on that parking lot gate! I felt for you both!- Val
I'm surprised you ever even HAD a cat!
I don't have any bad luck stories associated with that day. BUT- I do remember my dad taking us to see 'Friday the 13th' (part 1!) when we lived in Germany and I was a wee 7 or 8 years old. I was so petrified walking out to the car afterwards. Every dark shadow I saw, I thought there was something lurking and waiting to jump out & grab me!!! What was my dad thinking taking me to see that?!?!?
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