Five months! And wow, has it ever been a whirlwind. You went from barely rolling over last month to suddenly eating cereal, sitting up unassisted, and scooting backwards on your hands and knees. You love spending time on your tummy (imagine THAT!) and can push up so high that it's obvious you'll be crawling in no time. You've abandoned your binky for your thumb, and have also discovered your feet---which you like to grab onto while talking loudly at the top of your lungs. Your favorite thing in the world is your set of colorful numbered stacking cups, which you chew, throw, knock over, and wave around in some kind of silent plastic symphony. And there were so many firsts this month! You got your very own inflatable kiddie pool, which you swam in with your friend Sophie, and then the two of you even took your newfound swimming skills to the lake! You celebrated the Fourth of July, complete with fireworks and and a cannon. You learned to sleep quite soundly in your crib, and no longer need the constant motion of the swing to get a good nap. And little do you know it, but you're about to experience another 'first' this week: spending the night in your own room. You finally outgrew your bassinet and get a better rest in your roomy crib, so it seems like it's time. Mommy & Daddy will miss you, but they're also looking forward to a good night's sleep. All this, and I can only imagine the amazing feats I'll be writing about next month!
Happy five-month birthday little girl, we love you!
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