Occasionally I get sad (or at least wistful) when Sadie does or says something that makes me think,
wow...she's really growing up. Whenever it happens, Reid and I usually chime in: "SADIESIMONTON, 2 L!"
2 as in too, L as in little. It's our silly way of acknowledging it while simultaneously trying to put the brakes on.
One such example might include her asking for---no, demanding--- sausage (saas eeeeegh! saas eeeeegh!). Yep, she's definitely our kid. (Although for a while there I was skeptical, seeing as how she doesn't like bacon.)
But there ARE benefits to getting older, ones that we can enjoy as a whole family:

That's right...with summer comes biking, and with being one-and-almost-a-half comes your very own helmet and the green light to ride in a bike trailer. The newfound freedom that this relatively minor development affords us has been astounding. Suddenly we can dust off those (barely used) mountain bikes and hit the road! We can bike to restaurants, the park, concerts, and almost anything Bend has to offer. And in case you can't tell from the pics, we're not the only one who enjoys it!

Nice orange shorts!! Your such a fashionista Sadie Simonton!
yo!!!!!!! whats with all the orange?!?!?! somesort of weird fixation with that color or something? .............oh...... ummm... never mind. just glancing around the house here i am seeing that we too have some sort of issue with that color as well. So, awesome biking colors you simplesimontons!!! RockOut!!
though you still maybe treading on some trademark infringment. i will consult my legal staff over at my library.
Wheeeeeee..........that looks like fun Sadie Simonton. Please tell us where you went on your first bike ride!
Who doesn't love saas eeeeegh!?! :o)
Sadie sure is growing up! Love the pics!
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