Our first big shock came a few weekends back, when we so unwisely went camping. One might prepare for warm days and mild nights in June. And prepare we did (or didn't, as the case may be), because we left our subzero sleeping bags and puffy down jackets at home, and opted instead for hoodies and light blankets. Now, perhaps our judgment was clouded by the fact we were taking our cozy little camper and would not be relegated to sleeping on the ground. Perhaps that was the fatal misstep. Because we, to put it bluntly, froze our asses off.
By midnight the thermometer was plunging toward 20. What little body heat we did retain went into keeping sweet Sadie Simonton warm and toasty between us. She actually slept rather well, wrapped in every available blanket we had. Reid and I on the other hand...well, let's just say: thank god we have a sense of humor.
Despite zero sleep and frostbitten fingers, I managed to take this picture when the sun came out the following morning:
oh wow... though it did sound rough, at this moment after a week of mid august with a chaser of hades and a splash of lime, those temps sound friggin fantastic. But, i am only dreaming, with out a comfy snoozing bag , it would pretty well suck to have been in your shoes... well wait.. my damn feet are too big to fit in your shoes. so....... ...... umm..... i don;t know what my point was ..... or ..umm if i had one.. .. i go now... kthnxbi
Wow, they are really cute together. Wish MJ was there to share in the fun!
In other Bend news, what's the deal w/ the pregnant man? Has he/she had the baby yet???
I think he/she is due in July. Funny, I was just thinking about him/her this afternoon...I heard a radio commercial for their business (Define Normal T-Shirts) while I was driving home!
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