Wednesday, July 18, 2007

breastfeeding for guinness

I know, I know! You're thinking the same thing I was when the email showed up in my inbox, right?
Let's see: how does this work? Whoever can breastfeed the longest wins a case of Guinness? Show up at your local brewery and breastfeed for a free pint? Get an ounce of beer for every ounce of milk you pump? Who cares, sign me up!

Unfortunately, we're both wrong. Lactation enthusiasts across the globe/country/state of Oregon (or maybe just Bend) are trying to set some kind of new world record for the most women simultaneously nursing. Will I be participating, you ask? Ahem, no. But if you want to, here's the details:

Join thousands of breastfeeding women worldwide to set a new
Synchronized Breastfeeding Guinness World Record!

When: Wednesday, August 8, 2007, 9:30-10:30am (babies need to nurse at 10am to count towards the record)

Where: First United Methodist Church, 680 NW Bond St., Bend

Food: Continental Breakfast Follows! See you there.

Check local listings for a nurse-athon near you.
(Oh boy, I can't WAIT to hear the comments on this one!)


K*Funk said...

Speaking of breastfeeding, I was talking to my mom yesterday and I found out that with my brothers and I, none of us were breastfed! Um, Mom, haven't you read all the studies??? On another note, is it ok to drink alcohol while you're nursing? (well, not at the exact same time, but you know what I mean...) ? Are you? Enquiring minds want to know.

Chillable said...

Well, both my doctor and my doula recommended beer while nursing, because it supposedly helps your milk "come in" in the first few weeks. Not only that--the darker the better--so yeah, Guinness!
So do I drink, are you asking? Well sure, a little! And if it's a lot, then I 'pump and dump', and Sadie gets a bottle of either frozen breastmilk or formula! Hooray for technology (AND lemon drops!)...