Friday, November 16, 2007

nine month stats

Sadie passed her 9-month checkup with flying colors. She's performing all of the developmental milestones (using a pincer grasp, imitating sounds, standing and cruising) and has graduated on to a more diverse menu of table foods. Our homework: to buy a toothbrush and start brushing twice a day. Should be interesting...

By the numbers:
Weight - 20 lbs, 5 oz.
Height - 28 inches

We had such a long list of our own questions this time that we forgot to ask how those measurements compare to percentiles, or what her head circumference is. D'oh! Well, let's assume that if anything were out of the ordinary, the doctor would have told us.
The best part of the 9-month visit? NO SHOTS! Hooray!

See my spaghetti? All gone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep the pictures and postings coming Maria....They are awsome! And what a way for all of us - near & far - to keep up with this sweet little being. Sadie has changed so much since birth it's amazing!!! You're right - she's definitely not an infant-she's just being herself in the "in between" stage. The best is yet to come....