Monday, April 21, 2008


What makes a word a 'word', and not just a sound? Using it in context, I think.

Per that definition, Sadie has accumulated quite the little vocabulary recently. This morning, when I went in to get her out of her crib, I said "hi!" and she said "hi" back. Now, I know it's just one syllable---two letters---but it seems monumental to me. Sign language has been an effective form of communication for the past 6 months, but verbal dialogue? Wow. One little word flashes me forward several years, and I start to imagine all the amusing, clever, and potentially embarrassing things that she'll say. And I can't wait!

So in no particular order, her impressive mastery of English includes:
- mama
- dada
- nana (banana...and this was technically her first word)
- hi
- bye
- ball (sounds like 'bowhl')
- more (ebonics-style, 'mo')
- out (as in, get me out of this carseat)
- uh-oh

It's so strange and amazing how someone could go from not-talking to talking practically overnight. I guess that's the cool thing about being one!


Anonymous said...

Please work on Grammagrammagrammagramma!!

K*Funk said...

Ha - that is awesome! She is a superstar!!! I think I would keel over if I walked into Madison's crib and said "hi" and she said "hi" back, haha.
My first word was "more!"