Wednesday, October 15, 2008

with no further ado

I've been trying to capture the ABC song on camera for at least a month. it is for your listening pleasure:

She used to sing the final verse, too ("now I know my ABCs....") but it has gradually morphed into just one, long, continuous ode to the alphabet, over and over and over....


Anonymous said... comes "doe a deer a female, la, la" and so-on and so-forth.
will we see you guys at christmas? after all i have never seen sadie in person - this is why i love chillable so much. keeps me current.

K*Funk said...

Aww, your poor little voice is still all hoarse. Sadie's singing is pretty darn cute! I like how she is singing it to the stairs, hehe :) And all that hair!! my goodness, she's got some flowing locks!!! I wonder if MJ's will be that long a year from now?? of course I must mentally compare them, can't help it with the exact year difference! you should post more vids!

Yule {b}Log said...

How wonderful! And what a smartie. I like her long hair.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I can't believe it! Especially how she prounces those "W"s!!!