Sunday, July 01, 2007

july, july's a great song by The Decemberists. Do you know it?

I can't believe the month of July is already here. I have the sinking feeling that summer is slipping through my grasp at light speed, and I haven't been swimming or biking or kayaking once yet. We've bbq-ed plenty of times and enjoyed many a refreshing-patio-cocktail, so that's good. But for god's sake, we're just getting around to our spring evidenced by the car-full of plants we spent all week putting in the ground:

Naturally they're all perennials, because I can't be bothered to plant anything that isn't going to come back next year. I'm lazy like that. But hey, that's what summer is for---now, where's that margarita?


Anonymous said...

"The Mariner's Revenge" by the Decemberists:

The Belly of a Whale!

Anonymous said...

Looks like I see some Dianthus in your trunk. You also happen to be in the same zone for planting as we are (6-7). I highly recommend Russian Sage "little spire". Its blooms from late May through late October..very cool plant...We just put a bunch in..

Chillable said...

Also a great song, Anonymous! I'm a big fan of Picaresque. And, I hear they have a new album too, which I've yet to listen to...

K*Funk said...

Dude, I planted our schtuff back in May! I already have tomatoes that are just about ripe! Love gardening!! Some of my non-perennials even came back from last yr cause they seeded, like pansies & things.
Have fun!!

K*Funk said...

So how did the planting go?
You actually inspired me to buy even MORE plants for our garden yesterday! :)