Little girl, I don't even know where to begin with this long overdue letter. I suppose being 5 days late is an accurate measurement or metaphor for the blink-and-you'll-miss-it speed with which you're making (literal) leaps and bounds. Your rolling and sitting has turned to forward lunging, and you can propel yourself on hands and knees toward any object of your desire. It's alarming, actually, because we're totally unprepared for you to be a mobile member of the household. There are sockets to cover and cabinets to babyproof. There are sharp corners, electrical cords, and tiny mouth-sized things everywhere we look. Please slow down, if only for our sanity!
At your 6-month checkup today, your doctor was no less impressed. He actually checked his chart to make sure you were really 6 months old, convinced no reasonable baby should be doing such things until 9 months or more! And although you're tracking way ahead of the curve on developmental milestones, your physical statistics are a bit more average: 17.5 pounds (75% weight percentile), 26 inches (50% height percentile), and a head---as the nurse put it---the size of a grapefruit.

We spent your actual 6-month birthday weekend in Seattle and Portland (a long road trip for such a little girl!), where you met some of our good friends, hung out in the city, and went to our favorite sushi spot. You also finally got to meet your future buddy Quinn, who was born exactly one month before you, on January 11th!

All in all, it's been a pretty exciting month. Here are some more of the highlights:

Opening Presents from Gramma

Eating Sushi (sort of)

Swimming in Your Pool

Sticking Out Your Tongue (your new favorite thing)


Eating Your Feet (yum)
What next? Well, we're going to try camping this weekend, for starters. Here's to no rain, no skeeters, and a good nights' sleep! Happy 6-month birthday, sweet Sadie, we love you!
Sounds like Sadie is right on track to walk early like her mom!! Thats when the real FUN begins!!!
Loved the pictures and the update! Thanks!! Yeah I remember seeing Sadie at 3 months and wanting to put her in the baby swing at the park, cause it seemed like she was already like 2 yrs old!
I can't remember... Did you guys end up getting a nanny? Or do you take her to daycare? Just curious.
We have a nanny, who works out great. She loves Sadie lots and vice versa. The best part, of course, is that we essentially get to be home with Sadie all day long, and can always visit to see what new and exciting things she's up to!
Do I understand you correctly - she's crawling? That's amazing.
Well, crawling minus the "hand"-iwork. She can't seem to figure out what to do with her arms, so she moves her knees back and forth, creeping forward until they meet her arms, and then just thrusts her hands out and dives on her belly about 8 inches ahead of where she started. It ain't pretty, but it's effective.
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