When it comes to eating, Sadie is probably the most enthusiastic baby I've ever seen. She trembles in anticipation the moment the spoon leaves the bowl, mouth gaping wide, body leaning forward so as to speed delivery of the food to her tummy a second sooner. We were fairly convinced she'd eat anything we gave her---as evidenced by the dill pickle and lime wedge we'd let her chew on at one time or another. Yeah, they were sour, but that didn't stop her from going back for more.
Until the green beans:
Is it wrong that I was laughing so hard the entire time that I could barely keep the camera from shaking?
So let's see...for those of you that are keeping score:
Rice cereal - mmm. oh yeah. more please. lots more. like 1/2 cup at at time, and maybe seconds.
Plums - eh. too sour.
Sweet potatoes - definitely a plus.
Bananas - she likes them, but her tummy doesn't. two strikes and they're out.
Squash - a lot like sweet potatoes. good, good, good.
Avocados - no thank you. (this one surprised us. maybe it's time to try again.)
Pears - YES!
Apples - YES! (do you see a trend here?)
Oatmeal - not as naturally sweet as rice cereal, but that doesn't seem to bother her.
Green beans - the pictures pretty much say it all.
Let me say that we were not even giving our darling girl the standard jarred green goo, either! We went to the farmers' market, purchased some lovely organic beans---very sweet and very tender, not at all tough or bitter---and steamed, blended, and strained them to the perfect consistency for our little mush monster. And this is the thanks we get? Hmmmph! To further confuse our addled parental brains, the next evening while making dinner I gave her a whole intact bean to chew on, which she happily gnawed on until I took it away for fear of choking. Who knows, maybe it's a texture thing. I can't say I blame her!
Down with vegetables! Definitely my granddaughter!!!!!
P.S. Acceptable green vegetables:
Pistachio Ice Cream
Since Sadie likes rice cereal so much I would add a little of the green bean mush to the cereal and gradually add more each time. Sadie may acquire a taste that way and eventually go solo on the beans.
oh, that's what we tried---note the rice cereal all over the place, too!
I love these pictures! Wow, she was definitely not happy with you two after that.
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