After what felt like the longest two years of my life stuck in contractual hell with Sprint, I was finally able to switch cell providers. And we all know what that means: new provider, new phone!
I wanted a 2 megapixel camera and QWERTY keyboard, at a minimum. Web browsing, email, and GPS-style navigation wouldn't be bad, either. So I decided not to cheap out this time and get the basic run-of-the-mill freebie---I got the awesome LG enV in super-slick orange instead. It's SWEET! And it just arrived on my doorstep about an hour ago...
Call me! Text me!
Send me pics and video!
I can't wait to use it.
Maria, Who is your new cell provider? I didn't see it on your new posting. See you soon, Dad and Ceil.
Verizon---the only provider that actually has decent service where we live!
Good! We also have verizon. If you have their free in-call service you can call us anytime for free on our cell phone. PS Make sure you check your plan. We thought we had the service but we didn't until I got the bill. It only costs a few dollars more but is worth it. Dad.
I have no idea what that is? I still call them car phones. nicky
Um, I sent you a pic msg yesterday from the rockies game... hellooooooo... if you wanna get txts you gotta write back!
well everyone, Sprint and/or Verizon screwed up my number change, so my old number was never ported to my new phone. Which is why I haven't received your text, pics, and whatever else! Bummer. They're working on the issue and I should have my number in 24 hours. In the meantime, you can reach me on my new phone at:
No kidding.
TIT SIZE, nice!!! Verizon must know you had a baby, hahaha :)
I'm gonna wait till your old number is working again cause it's too much effort to reprogram my phone. And btw I have verizon too! Kicked t-mobile to the curb!
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