Wednesday, April 11, 2007

happy birthday sadie

Sweet girl, we can't believe you are two months old already! It's been an amazing eight weeks, and you've accomplished so much in such a short time. You can hold up your head on your own, and push up from your tummy. You can grasp and shake a rattle, and find your mouth (and binky) with your hands. You make all sorts of adorable cooing noises, and hold conversations with yourself when lying in your crib. You can follow our faces with your eyes. You're able to locate us by the sounds of our voices, turning your head in the direction they're coming from. You have outgrown your newborn clothes, are stretching your 3-month ones, and are starting to fit the 6-month outfits we'd been saving for summer. You've gone up an entire diaper size. Your eyes are getting bluer and your hair is turning a lighter shade of brown, but it's as long and as thick on the day you were born. Your features have lost that newborn baby look, and we can begin to envision what you'll really look 2, 12, maybe even 20. And of course, let's not forget your smile, which is the most beautiful thing on the planet. You give and return it freely, and nothing could be sweeter. Happy birthday, darling Sadie!


Anonymous said...

Oh, heart burst!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous Grandma 8)

Anonymous said...

this almost made me cry....obviously for joy. i remember so well when you (reid) and tim were tiny little beings. what a joy to see you both as adoring parents to emma and sadie.
you are beautiful maria and already a devoted mother.
i love you all,