Monday, April 23, 2007

time flies

God, has it really been 8 days since my last post? Is Sadie really TEN weeks old? Do I really have only 2 weeks left of my maternity leave? Despite how cliche it always sounds, it's true what parents say about time passing at warp speed: they'll be walking/talking/graduating high school before you know it. How does it happen? I guess it's because when you can stare at a face like this for hours on end, everything else just passes you by.


Anonymous said...

She's looking in the mirror and saying "Did my parents REALLY dress me in tie-dye???" How many 10 week old babies can sport a PART!!!? x0x0x0x0

K*Funk said...

DUDE- the tie-dye rocks!!!!!!

LUV it!!!!!
