Friday, June 29, 2007

party girl

Although she has tons of cute clothes, Sadie spends most of her time loungin' around the house in onesies or sleepers. The exception: our first playgroup date this past Wednesday. Mainly an excuse for the moms to get together and sip martinis, the kids seemed to have fun too---they were at least vaguely aware of each other's presence, anyway. Of the five babies, Sadie was the oldest, so everyone ooh-ed and aah-ed over her rolling and sitting skills. It's strange to look at her in that light, when she still seems so young to us.
Note that she's found her thumb, which she favors over the binky these days. Now the binky has become our secret weapon, to be unleashed only in restaurants and at naptime...

1 comment:

K*Funk said...

She's found her thumb!!
Cute dress!