Tuesday, June 19, 2007

sorry charlie

For some reason, I can never seem to remember that I don't like tuna.

Don't misunderstand---I love beautiful jewel-red slabs of bluefin and ahi and bigeye served rare and known by more exotic names like 'maguro' or 'toro'. What I don't like is the kind that comes in a can, is traditionally mixed with mayonnaise, and is always referred to with "fish" after the name. As in tunafish sandwich . Like the one I just made for lunch.

Ugh. Why, WHY? I'm not sure why I even buy it in the first place. So it can sit in the pantry until that fateful day 6 months later when I decide, against my better judgment, that a tunafish sandwich sounds good? Or so I can set it down halfway through and proclaim it to be completely disgusting? Or perhaps, just to keep my internal mercury levels acceptably high?

And yet I keep buying it, making it, eating it, and regretting it...someone, please stop me!


Anonymous said...

The problem is obvious... add chopped celery and sweet pickle relish... yum! (Of course, it also requires Wonder white bread!)

Chillable said...

White bread, check. Pickle relish, check. Celery salt (not celery), check. Yep, still gross! :)

K*Funk said...

Must use white albacore tuna!

p.s. I am still in class...

Corn dogs are hot dogs dipped in corn batter, deep fried and served on a
stick. Corn dogs were supposedly created in 1942 for the Texas State Fair by
Neil Fletcher.

Corn dogs are an excellent source of calories, fat, cholesterol and salt.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should have made pimento cheese! Instead of keeping a can of tunafish in the pantry...keep a jar of pimentos. Of course, finding the Duke's mayo in Bend may pose a challenge...

Chillable said...

Maybe you can send me some Duke's mayo from North Cack?
Unfortunately, Sadie doesn't like dairy, and pimiento cheese is...well, cheese. But I *do* have a jar of pimientos on hand for after she's weaned! Here's to the 9-month mark!