Thursday, December 04, 2008

a christmas classic

Last night we let Sadie stay up an hour past bedtime to watch Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer on CBS. Now, I know we could have just bought or rented the DVD and watched it any old time, but there's something about having to WAIT for it, commercials and all, as a much-anticipated marker of the holiday season. The whole experience was extraordinary: she sat captivated for the entire hour, snuggled between Reid and me, pointing at the TV and saying, "Ooooh, Reindeeh! Reindeeh nose! Reindeeh nose!". Our hearts were so full they were ready to burst.

We're really excited for Christmas this year because SHE'S excited. Here are some of the other seasonally-appropriate things she can say:

  • "Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all way" (note extra stanza)
  • "I need Kris kuss tree pleeze" (ok, we'll get one this weekend)
  • "Oh! Kris kuss lights house!" (upon driving past one that's all lit-up)
  • "Sophie Santuh prade?" (yes baby girl, we're going to the Santa Parade with Sophie on Saturday)
  • "Brr cold. Mommy puffy jacket. Daddy puffy jacket. Sadie puffy jacket." (it's freezing out, everyone put on your puffy jackets!)
and as of last night:
  • "Rudof reindeeh games"

Happy holidays, all!


Anonymous said...

thank-you. xoxoxoxoxox

Yule {b}Log said...

See, it's impossible that she is saying all this because she is still a tiny little Bean wrapped in a blanket... isn't she?

She is growing up so fast!!!

Reid said...

Stanza. How often can you incorporate that word in a blog? (Unless its a music blog).Impressive.

Kristin said...

Your friend Jenny's comment reminded me that the other day I saw a "new baby" card that said something like: "To welcome the arrival of your little bean!" or something like that on the front. If only I had seen that about a year & a half ago!!!
Anyway, this was super cute to read. I love: it's super cold out, everyone put on your puffy jackets!!! :)