Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Readers, I've been cheating on you. For the past week and a half I've spent all my free cybertime writing comments, posting pictures, and monitoring friends' updates on Facebook instead of keeping the grandparents happy with the latest antics and photos of Sadie Rain. Boo, hiss.

Believe me, I resisted the Facebook fad for as long as humanly possible (especially for someone who sits in front of a computer for 10 hours a day), but once my darling husband joined I knew I'd be quick to succumb. It is painfully addictive---so much so, that chances are you probably already know I'm on there because you are too.

Anyway, let's cut to the chase: there are some anxiously-awaited holiday photos that need sharing!

Eating the first fistful of snow of the season on Thanksgiving night

I'm not sure what to say about this other than...helloooooo 80's!

Taco night (not holiday related but amusing nevertheless)

Sadie, Sophie & Avery awaiting Santa at the Christmas parade

Procuring the tree

Ready to meet Santa Claus...

...and not in the least bit shy:


Yule {b}Log said...

Sweetness! I so inviting you to be my friend on FB now...

Kristin said...

Cute video! And you made her put the other candy cane back?!?!? I have no discipline when it comes to my child. I better get on it or she's going to be a terror....
Btw I just looked at your *last* december postings, and it's so funny to see Sadie & Madison going thru the same things pretty much! I didn't see the pic w/ Santa on there tho! You should put it on facebook so I can see! :)

K*Funk said...

Hey so like are you ever gonna give us a new blog update? Is Sadie in high school now?
:) Kfunk

Kristin said...

Hello it's Sadie's birthday!!
Blog update, plz!