Tuesday, January 29, 2008

best friends

Experts say that babies don't really play with each other, that they just engage in what's known as "parallel play"---next to each other, with no true interaction.
When I watch Sadie and Sophie play, I know that's not the case. They share toys, follow each other around, and make conscious decisions to do things together. Like, "hey, let's push this chair around the kitchen" or, "how about you climb into that carseat while I rock it back and forth?". It's pretty amazing to watch. They're just so darn cute together!

(Notice who's got the toy now)


MariaR. said...

They are soooooooo........cute!!!!!!! but lets face it, who's the more convincing one? Sophie has the toy!! jijijijiji ... You guys have done a great job!! wonderful babies!!I love them!! but Maria, please don't feed Sadie tofu! noquis are much better tasting!!!
ID: Sibila's mom ( how sad, I have an identity of my own for Pete's sake!)

Chillable said...

I'll gladly make Sadie gnocchi if you send me YOUR recipe!
The other Maria