Friday, January 04, 2008

new favorite food

Far be it from us to raise a hippie baby, but you gotta get your protein somehow.

Enter tofu---the slightly firm variety, with the water pressed out and cut into finger-food-sized pieces. It's easy to pick up, easy to chew, and best of all---easy for us. Sadie likes it cold, right out of the fridge. No seasoning required. Awesome!


Anonymous said...

She'll have to practice picking up her tofu with her toddler chopsticks she got for Christmas in preparation for her intro to one of her future proteins,,, shashimi!!

Anonymous said...

Awsome is right!!!! Took me about 50 yrs. to appreciate this not so yummy stuff...I love tofu now - but - right out of the fridge and no seasoning I think not. Post those promised Holiday pictures Maria (not that you have the time). I am in a Sadie moment and would love a visual update.